Journal of Preventive and Complementary Medicine (eISSN: 3041-9921, pISSN: 3041-9700) (J Prev Complement Med) is an international, quarterly (4 issues per year), open access, and peer-reviewed journal that covers the fields of preventive medicine (disease prevention, health promotion, and public health) and complementary medicine (traditional medicine, herbal medicine, and dietary therapy). The Journal provides a global platform for discussion, perspectives and research on preventive and complementary medicine.

Major topics covered include:

  • Preventive Medicine (Disease prevention, Health promotion, Public health and Health policy);
  • Traditional and Herbal Medicine;
  • Dietary Therapy/ Nutrition Supplements/Nutraceuticals/Probiotics.


Journal title history

  • Journal of Preventive and Complementary Medicine
    2024 – current,
  • Novelty in Clinical Medicine
    2022-2023, eISSN: 2783-4492


Our scientific and strategic partnerships are MDAEDIFICARE and JAS Medical Management


Editor in Chief

Dr. Alexei Wong

Associate Professor, Department of Health and Human Performance, Marymount University, Arlington, Virginia, USA


For all inquiries, please contact us by email:
